Thursday, July 24, 2008

SO4 video!?

Taxi Film and Meld Media got together to make this video for Edmonton Boieez Shout Out Out Out Out. You can watch it here. The video is okay, the graphics are great, but it seems sluggish and the story's played out. I don't think much would compare to their live show though. They should have just shot green screen footage of the band live. Easy enough, right?

SO4 are currently recording (finished?) their newest album, a follow up to Not Saying/Just Saying.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Summer FUN!

We took a big double date up to Mel's family cabin a few weeks back.

Fun in the sun!

We got kind of lost looking for the look out point of this mountain. We eventually heard some voices and followed them until we found it. Look at that view, huh?

1 big purple circle on your face.

The Gang!

Here's Ty-Guy pimpin' hard!

Back at home: Lester wearing a toupée made of his own fur.

Half way through this roll my camera fell on the floor and my focus ring stopped turning. I was stuck at a pretty close range so I went through the rest of the pictures quickly so I could take the lens in.

Big Oink in all his glory.

It was $50 to repair the focus ring, it turns now, but not easily. I found a Nikon FM with a similar lens and bought it along with a few accesories off of Kijiji.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wycked PHots

I bought a Nikon FE off of Kijiji a while back and here are the results.

I took it for a spin around my parent's place a few Sunday's back. I had it set on automatic by accident, I still made adjustments without noticing.

Sassy Sarah

I'll show you the other roll I developed soon.