Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week 3.

It's weird what you'll find yourself listening to when you can listen to anything. Before I left for the Western Canadian trip/tour, I bought an Ipod. I thought back on all the shitty fucking trips I went on with my discman, a pile of scattered c.ds, and my huge head phones, which I recently stepped on and broke.

When I got back from the trip my buddy Wynston hooked me up with an oink account. For those of you who don't know (losers), oink is an invite only torrent fueled site that is super strict about ratios. You can find almost anything on there musically and it's crazy quick downloads.

Anyways, I've been downloading some weird shit, and found myself listening to the audio book of Henry Rollins - Get in the Van.

I borrowed this book from my good friend Mike a few months ago and never finished it. It was fucked hearing Henry pass the point where I had read up to, and not knowing what he was going to say next. I actually got pretty excited. My brother used to have this on tape. I bugged him about finding it recently but I don't think he will, it's probably under a pile of boxes in our garage.

I usually just listen to fast shit to get me to where I'm going, but lately I have nowhere to go. Night shifts suck, I basically told my boss today that if they want me to stick around to get me off of night shifts.

On the plus side, I think/hope I'm moving out July 1st with girlfriend.


J said...

Hi, wanted to alert you to something very cool that Henry Rollins is doing. He's offering a chance to sound off on an issue for a national audience -- and the one person he personally chooses will be flown to LA to co-host the "Henry Rollins Show" marathon on IFC (Independent Film Channel) with Henry.

Rollins is inviting you to tape a short video "rant" and the person who does the one he chooses will be flown to L.A. (the winner and a guest for 3 days/2 nights), meet Henry and host the upcoming "Rollins Show" Marathon.

Go to and record and upload a 30-second video "rant" on one of the 11 hot topics Henry has selected (including abortion rights, has the Iraq war made us safer? Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina, is America a dumb country? global warming, etc.)

All entries will be watched by, and the winner chosen solely by, Henry. He encourages anyone to enter, no matter their political persuasion - his only requirement: have "passion and attitude!"

An amazing opportunity. And a chance to sound off on some issues!

Henry explains it all, and upload your "rant" at:

Sarah Joan P said...

only one more day to go! Once, I listened to Lord of the Rings on tape on a long trip. It was the worst! Maybe listening to something you actually want to would be fun.

Ted Barker said...

Dear Alex Pp

I got a blog as well.

Love Ted