Saturday, April 7, 2007

Easter Bunny Funny

I have the whole day off work, this is my first paid holiday at my new job. Perhaps even my first paid holiday ever. So, I try my best to make the most of it.

First off I decide let's hit up the fucking Zoo! Not the bar, but where the animals are. I grab my lady and we go pick up some fellow Zoo goers. For Christmas I bought Sarah a Zoo Two Pass, which enables her and one other lucky boy (me!) to frequent the Zoo as many times as possible for one entire year. We've decided to go every weekend, we're keeping up well so far. On this Zoo visit we finally found Quintin, he's a Takin, a large buffalo/horse/goat/fucking amazing looking dude who was recently publicized in the paper for humping a barrel.

He looks like this.


Later that night I went over to Wynston's place where we played video games, got a pizza, and watched American Hardcore. Pretty bro, if I do say so.

I decide it would be a good idea if I go into work and try to make some more hours, as I'll be gone the beginning of May on tour.

There's me and one other lady in the building, I showed up around 11 and de-activated the alarm. I left a message on the white board that I'm in the building and which room I'm in. I'm working away and it's getting close to lunch time (a banana), I step out of my room to return a movie to one of my co-workers when I hear a siren. It sounds really close, and I figure it's just a cop car or ambulance and start to head back to my room. Then I realize that the sound is coming from inside the building. I book to the alarm pad and in walks this lady. "Oh, I thought I was the only person here" she says calmly over the blaring siren. She fumbles with the alarm for a while and then I butt in and fix it. We go over to the phone to wait for CHUBB security to call us, the phone rings she picks it up and says "Hello, bonjour, hello?" and then hangs up decides everything is fine and then leaves. Leaving me to deal with my boss, the guy who runs the joint and calling CHUBB to tell them what's up.

Anyways, I didn't get in any trouble, all is well, and the granola bar I've been carrying around in case of an emergency, turned out to be a Mars bar!

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